Thursday, February 01, 2007

i have a huge CUT on my lips.
WTH. either my hands and fingers get cold rash..
or they wrinkle.
now the stuppid cut on my lips makes it soo hard to eat stuffs. aiya-
i'm putting so much cream everywhere already laa.

yuck- hate those moisturizing cream.
but i've got no choice la.

anyway, aha! besides all the complaints...

i get to choose what's for breakfast and dinner again!!! MUAHAHAA!!
i missed those times so much!!! heheh.
no more home cooked food when i get back.
ohman. hahah! my mum tried teaching me..and she probably already gave up.
MUAHAHA! she ask me to stay out of the kitchen.
hmm. i'm not that bad laa. just that she's a perfectionist. heheheh.

ohman. my parents must be so sick of eating the same food so manyttimes..
heheh. we've had like spagetti for dunno how many days alr..
and the same cheese bread every morn. hahaha!
i love eating the cheese bread here..toasted..hehehh..pap's style.
anyway, hmm. i think its just in me that i'll never get sick of eating the same food for breakfast everyday. ofcourse not for dinner laa.

oooh. they've got deliciousss pizzas here!! better than spore's one and only pizza hut and a few others.
hehehe. the pizzas here are cheap and good!!
hmmm. what else... oooh...
the juices here are super nice too...
apricot, peach, mixed berries-diff frm spore-, mango..
yumyum. they rock! i've never tried so many kind of juices before..
and they have like home made " kampot" i dunno what exactly is it.
but its like errr. cook fruits and made into water/juice.
aiyaaahh. cant describe.. hahahah. i'll get a picture of it if i can.

BEAnns Muzzled --> 5:19 PM.